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Philip & Bee (Milano September 2023 Copyright PCDS)
Ditch Digital and Focus on Face2Face!

I applaud the benefits of using a smart phone and the internet, indeed where would we be without the ability to interact socially on social networks, make essential purchases, transactions, appointments, take selfies, etc? Naturally, PCDS Review is at the forefront using mobile technology of laptop and phone, but where is it heading? Could the possible outcome be that there will be no 'Face2Face' meetings? Is it really for the best to go digital? OK the pandemic forced a growth spurt in video conferencing, buying online, social networking and so forth but isn’t it time to re-focus?
Having attended MICAM, MIPEL and ‘Special One by Micam’ trade-shows in September, an important part of Milan’s *Fashion Week, can digital ever replace being there in person? Some argue that going digitally attracts the worldwide audience; some afraid that creative ideas will be stolen. Likewise the world’s media and members of the so called ‘press’ are quick to present followers with the latest fashion proposals simply to drive up their own viewing numbers, publication sales, increased advertising revenue and subscription.  

The world moves ever faster, today mobile phones dominate, trade show visitors can simply capture and broadcast images within seconds; the horse has bolted, the cat has been let out of the bag.

For new emerging designers, fledgling start-ups and small companies alike trade shows are essential to gain a foothold in the market.  MICAM, Mipel and ‘Special One by Micam’ provide the opportunity to present their ideas, attract new buyers and nurture established ones. However, organisers need to be careful; the mobile phone threatens to undermine such trade events, otherwise they could fade into oblivion.  Exhibitors and buyers must be allowed to go about their business without the world watching on, action needs to be taken to create closed environments where secrecy and confidentiality is guaranteed.

It’s time to ditch digital and focus on the real ‘Face2Face’ agenda of trade events, increased order writing and kick start small enterprises into thriving fashion businesses!

Philip Clark
November 1st 2023

*Fashion encompasses all, from our appearance, the food we eat, the technologies we use to communicate, our means of transport, our social lives, our work, to the lifestyle we choose to live...

Philip & Bee (Milano September 2023 Copyright PCDS)
ditch digital & focus on face2face